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Udvalgte varer

Nite Ize - RunOff+ Waterproof Pocket
349,00 DKK
MAGPUL - DAKA Window Pouch - Large
369,00 DKK
MAGPUL - DAKA Window Pouch - Medium
310,00 DKK
MAGPUL - DAKA Window Pouch - Small
265,00 DKK
Nite Ize - RunOff+ Waterproof 3-1-1 Pouch
399,00 DKK
Nite Ize - RunOff+ Waterproof Toiletry Bag
449,00 DKK
Nite Ize - RunOff+ Waterproof Medium Packing Cube
499,00 DKK
Nite Ize - RunOff+ Waterproof Large Packing Cube
599,00 DKK
Savotta - Mpp Foam Mat
149,00 DKK
ALTA - AltaCONTOUR 360 Knee
489,00 DKK
ALTA - AltaFLEX 360 Knee
349,00 DKK
ALTA - Contour Elbowpad
299,00 DKK
ALTA - Flex Kneepad with AltaLok
299,00 DKK
Carinthia - DEFENCE 4
2.100,00 DKK
Carinthia - TROPEN
1.500,00 DKK
Cetacea - 1" Convertible Two Point Sling
299,00 DKK
Cetacea - 85" Operator Retention Lanyard
1.069,00 DKK
Cetacea - Coiled Dog Tracker Leash
950,00 DKK
Cetacea - Double Bungee Single Point Sling
550,00 DKK
Cetacea - Mini Coil Tether
119,00 DKK
Cetacea - Operator Retention Lanyard
650,00 DKK
Cetacea - Operator Retention Lanyard TANGO
599,00 DKK
Cetacea - Pistol Lanyard - Quick Detach Belt Loop
248,00 DKK
Cetacea - Pistol Lanyard - Split Bar Molle Attachment
248,00 DKK
Cetacea - Poly-Bina Covered Mini Coil Tether
205,00 DKK
Cetacea - QR 2 Point Sling
550,00 DKK
Cetacea - Quick Adjust Padded 2 Point Sling
465,00 DKK
Cetacea - Rabbit Sling
475,00 DKK
Cetacea - Retractor w/ Q-C II
305,00 DKK
Cetacea - Side Secure Strap
215,00 DKK
Cetacea - Trigger Snap Covered Mini Coil
255,00 DKK
Cetacea - Ultimate Gear Strap (Adjustable)
175,00 DKK
Cetacea - Weapon Adapter Fixed 550 Cord
65,00 DKK
Gerber - Strap Cutter
299,00 DKK
GWA - MK2 Patch
79,00 DKK
GWA - MK2.5 Mini Patch
79,00 DKK
Haley Strategic Partners - Dragonfly Patch
65,00 DKK
Haley Strategic Partners - Thorntail Flashlight Mount
855,00 DKK
Haley Strategic Partners - Thorntail SBR Flashlight Mount
855,00 DKK
25,00 DKK
ITW - FastMag™ GEN IV 5.56
439,00 DKK
ITW - Field Expidient Repair Kit
180,00 DKK
ITW - MagBoot
79,00 DKK
MAGPUL - AFG® - Angled Fore Grip
400,00 DKK
MAGPUL - Bump Case – iPhone 6
358,00 179,00 DKK
MAGPUL - DAKA Suppressor Storage Pouch
199,00 DKK
MAGPUL - Field Case – iPad® mini
299,00 165,00 DKK
MAGPUL - Field Case – iPhone 6
225,00 112,50 DKK
MAGPUL - Field Case – iPhone 6 Plus
225,00 112,50 DKK
MAGPUL - MOE Grip – AR15/M4
220,00 DKK
MAGPUL - MOE Trigger Guard, Polymer – AR15/M4
89,00 DKK
MAGPUL - Rail Light Mount
300,00 DKK
MAGPUL - Ranger Plate – USGI 5.56x45, 3 Pack
265,00 DKK
MAGPUL - RVG - Rail Vertical Grip
285,00 DKK
MAGPUL - XTM Enhanced Rail Panels
125,00 DKK
MAGPUL - XTM Hand Stop Kit
299,00 DKK
199,00 139,00 DKK
MIL-Tec - Poncho Liner
199,00 DKK
MLV - Dannebrog Flag Velcro Patch
29,00 DKK
MLV - IR Dannebrog m. Velcro
139,00 DKK

Har du brug for hjælp til valg af produkt, vil du have mere info eller blot personlig betjening? Kontakt os på

Mail: info@gear-up.eu


Telefon: 31 37 01 80