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S.O. Tech - Patrolman's Medical Thigh Rig

The perfect combination of an “El Dwiggo” Medical Pouch sewn directly into our comfortable SO TECH padded thigh base.

Larger sized individual medical pouch, great for 500 ml IV bags/kits, GSW kits, Isreali/Kerlix bandages, and a variety of field medical items.

The "El Dwiggo" is named in honor of MSGT Chris Dwiggins, a former US Army 18D.

Made in the USA

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Pris ved 1 
(Før 955,00)
649,00  DKK
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The "El Dwiggo" (CIMP) portion of this rig features double layered construction for extra durability and a total of (8) pockets and (15) elastic storage loops. The exterior of the pouch boasts a Velcro™-secured protective glove dispenser, a flashlight slot on the side, and a trauma shear sheath with a Velcro™ securing tab on the rear.

The interior pouch design includes two internal double pockets faced with elastic loops and a flat back pocket faced with elastic webbing to hold all of the items listed above. Nylon webbing and snap loops in the upper corner of the pouch secures a roll of medical tape.

The base of the pouch has an additional elastic loop to secure a larger dressing. One elastic loop on the interior front panel stores one IV Bag, 500 ml and a starter kit. The clear vinyl window on pouch face accepts Pain Med packets or medical instruction cards.

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