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Cetacea - NVR Quick Slide Three Point Sling

Webbing: MIL SPEC Tubular Webbing.

  • NVR (No Video Required) Quick Slide Three Point Sling
  • The NVR Tactical Enhanced M16/M4 Three Point Sling is a fully adjustable Rifle sling that Fits all M16/M4 Variants. It features ambidextrous mounting and Includes mounting hardware for both fixed & collapsible butt stocks.
  • The NVR Tactical Enhanced Ambidextrous M16/M4 Three Point Sling works with: M16A2, A4, CAR15 & M4 variants with either a fixed and collapsible stocks
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475,00  DKK
1-4 dage


Honor... Duty... Family... Brotherhood... Precision... Highest Quality... Mission First...

These are the values ever present in today's American Military Branches and Organizations.  These are values that Cetacea Corporation (pronounced Si-Tay-Sha) holds in highest regard as we have engaged in various business campaigns over the last twenty years.

As a Veteran owned business, we feel a kinship and respect for America's military personnel.  For this reason we now introduce Cetacea Tactical.  Our line of E-A (enhanced Accessories) is built with the best quality, Barry Compliant hardware available.  We incorporate ITW Nexus GhillieTex components with IR signature reduction technology.  All Cetacea Tactical Products branded with our American Flag Icon to show our respect for this great country and the freedoms we enjoy due entirely to the sacrifices of American Patriots.

The Cetacea brand stands for quality.  Cetacea builds accessories for industries and avocations where quality really counts.  When you need to customize your combat gear, tether your weapons and gear, you can count on Cetacea to deliver the right equipment to accomplish the mission.

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Mail: info@gear-up.eu


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